Oedfaon Sul








Oedfaon Sul / Sunday services:


Oedfa / Service 14/01/24 gyda'r Parchg. / with the Revd. Geraint Lloyd

Oedfa / Service 21/01/24

Oedfa / Service 28/01/24

Oedfa / Service 28/01/24b gyda sgwrs am Ddydd yr Arglwydd / with a talk on The Day of the Lord

Oedfa / Service 04/02/24

Oedfa/ Service 11/02/24

Oedfa hwyrol/ Evening Service 11/02/24

Oedfa / Service 18/02/24 gyda / with Gruffydd Jenkins

Oedfa/ Service 25/02/24

Oedfa'r hwyr / evening Service 25/02/24 gyda / with Pastor Chris Williams

Oedfa/ Service 10/03/24

Oedfa/ Service 17/03/24

Oedfa / Service 24/03/24 gyda / with Clyde Briggs

Oedfa/ Service 31/03/24

Oedfa/ Service 07/04/24

Oedfa/ Service 14/04/24

Oedfa gyda/ Service with the Leprosy Mission 14/04/24

Oedfa/ Service 21/04/24

Oedfa/ Service 05/05/24

Oedfa/ Service 12/05/24

Oedfa/ Service 12b/05/24

Oedfa / Service 24/03/24 gyda / with Gruffudd Jenkins

Oedfa/ Service 02/06/24

Oedfa/ Service 09/06/24

Oedfa gyda/ Service with Scripture Union 14/04/24

Oedfa/ Service 16/06/24

Pregeth / Message 24/06/28 gyda / with Clyde Briggs

Pregeth / Message 30/06/24

Oedfa/ Service 07/07/24

Oedfa/ Service 21/07/24

Oedfa / Service 21/07/24 gyda / with Delyth Higgins

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 28/07/24

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 28/07/24 gyda / with Parchg. Glan Roberts

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 18/08/24 gyda / with Dorian Richards

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 01/09/24

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 22/09/24

Oedfa/ Service 29/09/24

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 13/10/24 gyda / with Revd. Ifan George

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 20/10/24

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 27/10/24

Oedfa / Service 27/10/24 gyda / with Lois Adams

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 03/11/24

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 10/11/24

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 17/11/24

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 24/11/24 gyda / with Gwuon Jenkins

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 01.12/24

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 15.12/24

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 5.1/25

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message gyda / with Clyde Briggs 12.1/25

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 26/1/25

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 9/2/25

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message 16/2/25

Darlleniad a phregeth / Reading and message gyda / with Clyde Briggs 23.2/25

Digwyddiadau i ddod